Living Farm are a York based R&D and consultancy business who work extensively with farmers, agribusiness, research institutions and government departments throughout the Western Australian wheatbelt.

Founded in 2005 by fourth generation West Australian farmer John Foss, Living Farm initially started out as a regional grower group which was formed to provide independent non-biased research to local growers.

Richard Devlin joined Living Farm in 2007 to extend the model and to add research capacity to the existing grower group. Richard extended Living Farm’s services to include trial work and plant breeding. In 2008 Living Farm also acquired the independent research company CROPS group based in York.

Since inception, Living Farm have built a solid and loyal client base and gained a reputation for returning quality trial sites and a high level of data integrity with a focus on open communication with clients.

Living Farm have a specialised team of research staff, agronomists and technicians that prides itself on producing consistently high quality outcomes for clients. The company has a proven history in research trial development, implementation, management and reporting, while also providing members of our grower funded groups with ongoing agronomic support and advice. Living Farm offers a personalised trial service combining experience of on-ground agronomy with academic research.